When you graduate from high school, you have the option to go directly to work or go on to university or college. There are some things you should consider so that you succeed in the future because the choice of majors or skills you have can be obtained at the university. You can consider several factors as mentioned below: 1. Factor of yourself a. Interest Factor of interest is the main factor that you should know before choosing a university, because this factor is the trigger to complete your studies. Surely it would be a burden for you to go to college if it interests you to go to college does not exist. Since it is unlikely you will complete the study only with the encouragement of parents only. b. Cost The cost factor is the biggest reason why many people who could not continue her studies in college. Because during the course of our parents certainly would spend more money to support the costs of your education. So do not ever waste your hard work and toil of our parents....
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