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The Transformative Power of Education: A Catalyst for National Advancement and Prosperity

  The Transformative Power of Education: A Catalyst for National Advancement and Prosperity Education stands as the cornerstone of progress and prosperity for any nation. It is not merely a process of acquiring knowledge; rather, it is the key that unlocks the doors to innovation, critical thinking, and societal development. The impact of education on a nation's growth and well-being is profound, shaping the trajectory of its future and fostering a dynamic, empowered citizenry. At its core, education is an investment in human capital, empowering individuals with the skills, knowledge, and perspectives necessary to contribute meaningfully to society. A well-educated population becomes the driving force behind economic growth, technological advancement, and social stability. When a nation prioritizes education, it nurtures a workforce equipped with the expertise needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving global landscape. Graduation day. Fantastic moment ( One of the primary ...
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Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan ungkap hal mengejutkan tentang ekonomi Indonesia

Akibat dampak pandemi global yang disebabkan Covid-19 ratusan negara mengalami resesi ekonomi, begitu pula Indonesia.  Di kuartal III pertumbuhan ekonomi mengalami minus 3,49%. Pada kuartal II bahkan  mengalami minus 5,32%, yang merupakan titik terendah yang pernah terjadi di Indonesia.  Ada banyak sektor bisnis yang melambat bahkan ada perusahaan yang terpaksa melakukan pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK).  Apakah Indonesia bisa bangkit dari jurang resesi? Menko Kemaritiman & Investasi Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan ( Meskipun pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia masih terkontraksi 3,49 persen, namun (10/11/2020) melaporkan pernyataaan Menko Kemaritiman & Investasi, bahwa  "Kita sekarang sudah mulai (membaik), dari kontraksi 5,32 persen (kuartal II-2020), sekarang di 3,49 persen (kuartal III 2020). Dan saya kira itu dari data-data yang ada kita sudah mulai bangkit dari resesi ini, Sebelumnya pada 6/11/2020 mela...

Mengungkap UU Cipta Kerja. Dampaknya Untuk Pencari Kerja & Pelaku Bisnis

Setelah lulus sekolah tingkat menengah atas dan fresh graduate dari perguruan tinggi, biasanya mencari pekerjaan dan segera melamar pekerjaan kalau ada lowongan. Tidak banyak anak muda yang langsung terjun sebagai entrepreneur .  Cerita ini memang tidak aneh karena secara tradisional para orang tua selalu menasihati anak-anak mereka agar rajin belajar supaya setelah lulus bisa bekerja di perusahaan besar atau menjadi pegawai negeri sipil. Jarang banget orang tua yang menanamkan semangat wira usaha pada anak-anak mereka.  Amanda tetap cantik baik ketika berfoto dengan toga setelah wisuda, maupun ketika sibuk menggoreng tahu di cuaca panas dan hujan ( Pada saat ekonomi sedang sehat, banyak pekerjaan yang tersedia. Ada pula anak muda yang pilih-pilih pekerjaan, misalnya harus sesuai jurusan. Ketika sudah dipastikan diterima malah batal bekerja karena tidak mau ditugaskan di kota lain, misalnya untuk satu tahun pertama.  Meskipun kondisi ekonomi dunia sedang ...

Meraih Gelar Master & S3 Di Online University di Saat Pandemi Global

Suasana stay at home atau working from home mungkin telah membuat kita jenuh meskipun sudah banyak kegiatan yang dilakukan. Kesibukan utama pastilah menggunakan smartphone untuk chatting , mengirim video dan jokes ke teman-teman WA group, Instagram, Facebook atau twitter.  Olah raga, berjemur dan naik sepeda keliling di sekitar perumahan juga sudah dilakukan. Mencoba makanan baru dan kopi bubuk terbaru yang dipesan melalui toko online pun sering dilakukan. Hidup dalam penantian untuk menunggu datangnya vaksin untuk mencegah tertular COVID-19 memang kurang menyenangkan.  Omong-omong, apakah sudah mencoba resep masakan terbaru?  Baiklah kalau hampir semua sudah dilakukan, maka ada cara baru untuk memulai hidup baru di dunia online seperti berbisnis dengan memaksimalkan laptop, tablet atau smartphone kita untuk menambah aliran dollar atau rupiah ke rekening bank.  Kalau hal itu juga sudah dalam proses, bahkan sudah membuat anda berhasil making money online, maka anda...

The Best Online University

If you are not happy with your current job, you should try to earn a new degree from online university, so you still can work and earn money to pay your tuition fee. You can choose one of the best universities as mentioned below: Do your home work in Bali ( University of Phoenix  - Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's & Doctoral Degrees. University of Phoenix is dedicated to providing high-quality education and is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. University of Phoenix offers both on-campus and online learning programs that fit individual scheduling needs.  Kaplan University  - Associate's, Bachelor's,  Master's Degrees. As one of the largest online universities with a widely recognized name, Kaplan University offers a myriad of campus and online programs for both full-time and part-time students looking to efficiently advance their career. Westwood College  - Associate's  Bachelor's Degrees. West...

How to maximize your laptop to earned a degree online

Are your ready to enhance your career and life style? You can use and maximize your Laptop or your PC to build your future. You can use your laptop to earn degree online. If you hold a new degree such as Master Degree or other diploma in subject that you love, so you can improve your knowledge, skills, and your career. A good career is a gateway to increase your income in the future. Remember that good money can resolve your problem in the future.  Let's earn degree online. Image: If the funding of education is a problem, then you were likely to get a scholarship opportunities from online colleges or large companies that have a scholarship program for anyone who is in need, certainly in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions. There are many people that have joined long distance learning programs, so you can too. They signed-up to online universities to improve their knowledge, which is very useful to build their career at the office. Or may...

How to get the ASEAN scholarship

Putu Agung, Elwin and Benaya scholarship recipients in Singapore . There are many scholarship opportunities for you, even Singapore has generated a lot of young talent from within ASEAN. If you have passed the Junior High School, you can move on to Junior College in Singapore with a scholarship program. If you have children that are studying in junior high, then one of the scholarships available is the ASEAN scholarship. Apparently, the ASEAN scholarship is also open to study at universities in Singapore. If you are the young people in the region such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Singapore, or Vietnam and young people in other ASEAN countries, then you have a chance to win the ASEAN scholarship, so that you can continue their education to a higher level. Victoria Junior College, Singapore. Image:                                          ...
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