The Transformative Power of Education: A Catalyst for National Advancement and Prosperity Education stands as the cornerstone of progress and prosperity for any nation. It is not merely a process of acquiring knowledge; rather, it is the key that unlocks the doors to innovation, critical thinking, and societal development. The impact of education on a nation's growth and well-being is profound, shaping the trajectory of its future and fostering a dynamic, empowered citizenry. At its core, education is an investment in human capital, empowering individuals with the skills, knowledge, and perspectives necessary to contribute meaningfully to society. A well-educated population becomes the driving force behind economic growth, technological advancement, and social stability. When a nation prioritizes education, it nurtures a workforce equipped with the expertise needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving global landscape. Graduation day. Fantastic moment ( One of the primary ...
Akibat dampak pandemi global yang disebabkan Covid-19 ratusan negara mengalami resesi ekonomi, begitu pula Indonesia. Di kuartal III pertumbuhan ekonomi mengalami minus 3,49%. Pada kuartal II bahkan mengalami minus 5,32%, yang merupakan titik terendah yang pernah terjadi di Indonesia. Ada banyak sektor bisnis yang melambat bahkan ada perusahaan yang terpaksa melakukan pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK). Apakah Indonesia bisa bangkit dari jurang resesi? Menko Kemaritiman & Investasi Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan ( Meskipun pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia masih terkontraksi 3,49 persen, namun (10/11/2020) melaporkan pernyataaan Menko Kemaritiman & Investasi, bahwa "Kita sekarang sudah mulai (membaik), dari kontraksi 5,32 persen (kuartal II-2020), sekarang di 3,49 persen (kuartal III 2020). Dan saya kira itu dari data-data yang ada kita sudah mulai bangkit dari resesi ini, Sebelumnya pada 6/11/2020 mela...